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This page, a school project. |
The task was to make our own portfolio, using html. I did everything on this page, that is, the html, the css, the design and the text.
This page is the one I've considered the most, of the ones I've made. I wanted a nice clean design, compatible with every browser. At the same time I wanted the page to work in 800*600. This means that for people with high screen resolutions, the page might look a bit small. The language is english, that way I can reach more people.
Galactic Dawn
An exam project. |
The graphical design at this page was made by Søren Andreassen, my partner for the exam.
I did all the html and css work.
My main goal was to make everyone being able to read the text, regardless of browser, and still being able to implement Sørens design nicely. This was something I succeded quite well in.
The actual page is supposed to be an example page. It shows how a company dealing with online games might want to organize their webpages.
Silkeborg Kunstmuseum
A school assignment. |
The task was to make a page for Silkeborg Kunstmuseum
I worked together with three classmates on this one, one of them making the design, the other two writing the text, me doing the html and the css. By orders of the teacher, Adobe GoLive was to be used (on a macintosh even). I wrote most of the html in GoLive's html view anyway, and I did a seperate style sheet.
IDM GF1 2002
An extra school assignment. |
Being the first to finish our html+photoshop+golive+macintosh assignment, me and a guy in my class got the task of making a page where the whole class could gather their pages. He made the design, I did the html and css. Once again, my teacher told me I had to use GoLive, so I did, allthough once again, the style sheet is handwritten, and most of the html is done in the html viewer.
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