3d glasses |
My first real experiment with Adobe Photoshop. |
3dglasses was originally meant for a demoscene wilddemo. Unfortunately we forgot to include it in the end, due to lack of sleep.
It's a collage of all kinds of concrete and steel, put together with aeroplanes and barbed wire, all this giving it a rather industrial look. I put a lot of effort into this one, and I still think it's my best work.
The name 3dglasses have no actual meaning if you look at the picture as it is now, but it was the project name and it's now the name I remember the picture by.
Pi the movie |
A school assignment. |
This task was to use Photoshop to make a poster for your favourite movie.
The first movie that came to mind was Pi, allthough it's not my dedicated favourite of all times. Still, the general idea of the movie was very appealing to me at that time. Also, it was a black and white movie, and I generally like working in black and white.
Remembering the quote from the three times I've seen the movie, I decided to put it down as my base. When I had done that, I figured I should also have the actual pi in there, not just because of the movie name, but also because the infinite length of pi and all the story's being told about the number generally makes me in a good mood.
The spirals were added partly to look like eyes staring into the sun, partly to look like the sun, and partly as movie reference since theres a great deal of talk about spirals.
In the end, I spiced it all up with some actual movie footage.
Yes |
A school assignment. |
A commercial, for a product free of choice, using Photoshop. I went for lava lamps for no other reason than me having bought one the day before. Coming up with a slogan was not exactly easy, but after a while I landed on something I found appealing. After that, it was fairly easy to come up with the general idea.
The guy on the right is presented in greyscale, to symbolize his rather dull life. He is however looking fairly happy, this because he's just laid his eyes on a lava lamp, In his eyes, the ultimate make over device. The guys in the top left corner are there to show how funky you can become.
The rest of the image (mainly lines) were made to get the viewers attention where I wanted it to be.
Shield |
A school assignment. |
This was my first real Adobe Illustrator experience, made after a drawing presented to us by my teacher. It's rather unfinished, but I decided to put it in here anyway.
The choice of colour, the shapes, and the general look were all things my teacher made up, so I haven't had any real influence on them.
Pictogramme |
A school assignment. |
This is my second Illustrator work. The task this time was to make a pictogramme about yourself. My choice fell on the hairbrush pretty easily, it both symbols the time I spend brushing my hair every morning, and somehow the fact that I am a girl (and the only girl in my class).
I was really happy with this one, for some reason I felt it worked out great. It's simple, it has good colours, and it fills it's purpose perfectly.
Summer Taste |
A school assignment |
The task was to make the webdesign for a fictional drink, "Summer Taste", appealing to youth. That, the menu subjects, and a screen resolution of 800*600 were the only guidelines we had.
I tried being fresh and summerish in this one, filling it with fruit, bubbles and a palm tree. The surfer coming out of the bottle is a part I'm really happy with, it worked out great. The guy throwing us a bottle looks really happy, here I tried making us feel we would be happy too if we had a sip of the drink.
The font got chosen because it somehow gives me a feeling of summer.
Advocate |
A school assignment. |
Here, we were going to make the webdesign for a fictional lawyer firm.
The guidelines were the menu subjects, a conservative look, and a resolution of 800*600.
The choice of colours (or no colours) in this one came when I tried making it look like a serious page.
The guy in the middle was added to give the firm an appealing look, someone trustworthy.